I don’t think I have stumbled upon a Writer’s Block, ever in life. But, sometimes I simply lose track of my ideas after I have written a line like “… I have absolutely no problems with spicy 'Kolhapuri' chicken. I'am just worried that the water in the pan might just come to a boil the next morning …”
For me a writer’s block is just one of those amusing things. Simply put, that’s because I am not a writer. I love to call myself a simple human being who’s partially in control of his senses in a way that serves his sanity with decent doses of pride and humility. So, sometimes when I’m too scared to wake up my roommates in the middle of the night to tell them about one of my “eureka moments”, I generally end up writing. That’s how I write, rarely and unexpectedly. But that is hardly the point of today’s discussion. So here is what I feel about a Writer’s Block.
When i try and think about a Writer’s Block, the first thing that comes to my mind is the image of a constipated poet. Something I call the there-but-not-quite-there phenomena. One can only imagine the frustration. But here I am, going through one myself, doing just that. It is a funny thing to have, really.
I usually try and think of nice words that will impress you with the very first line that you’ve read. And, not just nice words, they ought to be funny as well because I also have to collect those brownie points from you. But I’m still not there because apart from being nice and funny, these also have to have an aesthetic appeal so that they really gel well with the nice formatting that I have already thought of. And, Oh! It will be an add on if a few of these words also go by the English Dictionary, both individually as well as when arranged together in some form of a combination. Mighty difficult stuff, huh! And after having spent an hour or so on the very first line I have again done the inevitable: completely forgotten what the whole idea was all about. All in all, it becomes Jack Black’s rock show. CRAZY!
I am not a good reader either. Even though my reading exploits do cover a little more than the about me sections of peoples’ profiles on social networking sites, I have hardly ever looked beyond the sports section of the newspaper. The good thing about this is the fact that it hardly ever makes me feel guilty of having systematically murdered English language with sentences like “hw u doin ma man…” or “chck out tht rack man.. cmpltly dope! ” I mean, where are the Police? I don’t see any.
But even Will Shakespeare in the movie ‘Shakespeare in Love’ has been shown suffering from a Writer’s Block, but eventually ends up having an affair with the very hot Viola (played by Gwneth Paltrow). Not a bad deal, huh! So, there is hope, still!
But the best thing about going through a writer’s block is the fact that it leaves you with a chance to look life in the eyes and smile a few extra smiles. And all of this is only until a sudden avalanche of thoughts in your head gains enough momentum putting the constipation to rest.
So, I sincerely hope that you all have a great Writer’s Block!
12 years ago
Classic Ayan post.. starts with a PJ, ends with a PJ, filled with double entendres but a small, meaningful message tucked away in the wordiness somewhere... a big thumbs up, ma man!
But hey, the Grammar Police ARE out on the prowl, keep a watch!
oh! i quit the funny :) really difficult to pull through with comedy .. but i liked the 'coming out of the comfort zone' thing.. and thanks for the kind comments :)
Beautiful.......nothing here to say against your post.....a comic, witty and lovely portrayal of thoughts...........
haha :) thanks buddy ...
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